Starting in October 19 in the afternoon and finalizing in October 21, Hyflow consortium representatives met in Zaragoza, Spain, at the site of the partner epic power. The meeting was really fruitful and we would like to share here some pictures of the event.

The meeting started with a visit to La Aljafería, an original Moorish palace from 11th century that later was expanded to become a Christian royal residence. We then walked to a late stand-up dinner event that was preceded with some tapas. All very typical Spanish, except for the rain that has accompanied us during these days.

Working session at University of Zaragoza
Most of the meetings took place at the University of Zaragoza engineering campus, and you can see the consortium in action in the next picture. The meeting was organized by the coordinator of the consortium TZE Landshut, with Prof. Dr. Kal-Heinz Pettinger and Dr. Christina Schubert pulling the strings to make all happen in time. One morning was devoted for a PEDR workshop. This stands for Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results and it was led by Dr. Peter Fischer, with clear advances in possible results using the tool of the Lean Canvas. Also, the advances in all Work Packages were presented and constructive discussion was held in all things related to the required interactions between partners. From our side in epic power, we presented the advances in the DC/DC converters for the demonstrator and in the system to evaluate the supercapacitor model from C2C-New Cap.

The event was followed by an interactive visit to Zaragoza, where three teams were fighting for points. The teams were “Vino Tinto”, “Olé Power” and the final winner of the contest “Flow Power”. The walk and the sightseeing was a good exercise before the dinner that took place at an ancient mill located in the banks of river Ebro.

In the last part of the meeting, a visit to the facilities of epic power took place. Some other previous project results were presented, the production facilities and the offices as well as the different products. Most importantly, the current status of epic’s contribution to the project were shown, quite ready to be sent to the coordinator for the later integration in the demonstrator. The meeting ended with a stand-up lunch.

As a summary, the project advances at a good pace, with all deliverables in time and the meeting was a great opportunity to discuss and network among the partners to make things advance even faster and smoother until the next meeting planned for early May in Lisbon.
Keep tuned to our blog for more news about flow battery dedicated converters. In particular, our newest Application Note AN049.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 963550. This document reflects only the author’s view and the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.