DC DC Converter Manufacturers
About our company
Epic Power is a company that designs and manufactures bidirectional DC/DC converters.

Founded in 2012 as a spin-off company of the University of Zaragoza, Spain, our knowledge-based power electronics offer our customers the fastest way to incorporate the latest research topics as functional products.
We are experts in integrating Silicon Carbide devices for best efficiency. Control strategies that are beyond the state-of-the-art allow for enhanced applicability of our systems. Best-in-class connectivity.
Our research roots and constant relationship with Universities are allowing us to offer embedded Artificial Intelligence as an intrinsic part of our converters for improved battery managament. As manufacturers we offer robust, cost-contained, easy-to-install products.
Our vision
Create DC/DC converters that are beyond the state-of-the-art.
For us is very important
Knowledge + Innovation + customer support + transparency + flexibility + quality

What we do?
As power electronic experts
We design and manufacture bidirectional DC/DC converters for different purposes. We offer support in integration and customization. We are active in automation, intralogistics, marine, elevator, hydrogen generation, energy sotrage, microgrid, electro mobility businesses. Our clients have one thing in common: they are always very satified with our customer support.
Value proposition
Why design a converter if you can buy it, industrialized and ready to use? Easy to integrate, easy to communicate with, ready to use.
In the elevator market
We offer specific products for recovering energy and as intelligent power suppliles, thus avoiding peak power conssumption and enabling elevators to become solar ones. We also offer special evacuation energy supplies.
Value proposition
New and existing lifts.
Any manufacturer, multibrand.
Lift distributors

United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
+44 1352 735400

Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark

Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg
+32 13 664 662
Support: ts@safeline.eu +32 485 890 895
Order: orderbe@safeline.eu +32 13 664 662
DC/DC distributors

Italy and Republic of San Marino
AXU Snc di Maggi Mario & C.
Projects / Grants
Project HYFLOW

Development of a sustainable hybrid storage system based on high power vanadium redox flow battery and supercapacitor – technology
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 963550
Role of epic power: System design and development of bidirectional DC-to-DC converters for hybridation of different systems
More related information coming soon

PAIP Program

Epic Power participates in the PAIP program (Government of Aragon) to promote the growth and consolidation of SMEs, improving their financing, technology and access to advanced support services.
The objective is to achieve a more competitive business network.
Project AEI of AECAE Cluster

This company has received funding of grant no. AEI-010500-2021b-129 of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Government of Spain. The project has had the leadership of the Spanish Association of Elevator Component Manufacturers (AECAE) as an officially recognized cluster. Three companies have also participated in the project, epic power, Nayar Systems and Beltrán Ascensores. As a result of this project novel techniques to evaluate the performance of batteries have been obtained, these techniques have been incorporated in the power supply of the elevators and the overall energy performance of the elevators can be surveyed in real-time by means of a telemetry system that incorporates these features including predictive maintenance. The results have been successfully tested in more than 50 pre-existing installations that have benefited of increased reliability and reduced costs. The project was carried out between Nov. 21 and August 2022. The results of this project will be presented at the IEES, International Elevator &Escalator Symposium in Barcelona, Spain in December 2022.
Aragón Movilidad

This company has received funding from the Department of Economy, Strategy and Employment of the Government of Aragon (Departamento de Economía, Planificación y Empleo, Gobierno de Aragón) under grant number IDMF/2021/0024. The grant partially supports the further development of DC/DC bidirectional converters to be applied in V2G – V2X technologies for residential, industrial or commercial environments. This project is leaded by the company Chargevite. The project started in Sept. 2021 and finishes in September 2023.
Project CDTI – Cervera

This project has received funding from Centro Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial –CDTI (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology) under agreement Cervera IDI-20200623
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Ministry of Science and Innovation)
Gobierno de España-grid Renewable Installations
Innovative SME

Our company has received the formal recognition of PYME INNOVADORA (Innovative SME)
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Ministry of Science and Innovation)
Gobierno de España
Project MOVES Proyectos Singulares

Development of high efficiency and low cost bidirectional DC/DC conversion systems for V2G/V2H charging infrastructures in residential and industrial environments.
This project has received funding from IDAE (Instituto para la Diversificación y el Ahorro de la Energía) – Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) under grant number PGE -MOVES – SING -2019 – 000070.
Total investment: 229,302€.
Amount of funding: 103,135.90€
Acción Estratégica de Economía y Sociedad Digital –
Impulso Tecnológico 2017
Desarrollo experimental de Sistema de Ahorro de Energía para Ascensores en el ámbito residencial. TSI-100103-2017-6
Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Research and Innovation Action. European Commission.
ELY4OFF – ElectroLYsers FOR Operation with OFF-grid Renewable Installations
More information about the project

LESS – Lift Energy Saving System for Residential Buildings
Until July 2015
Now phase II under request
Seal of Excellence

Meet our founders

Pilar Molina Gaudó
For the rest of the team members

Second prize IDEA 2011. Emprender en Aragon. June2012.

First finalist of Empower Intelligent Energy Innovation Prize. Empower consortium. EU IEE Programme. June 2013.

Finalists in the second edition of Fondo de Emprendedores of Fundación Repsol. 16 companies wre selected among 470 proposals. July 2013. You can read more information here.
Premios al Emprendimiento Campus Iberus – CLH. Mejor empresa innovadora de la III convocatoria de los premios. Septiembre 2015.
Primer finalista de los premios Emprendedor XXI en Aragón organizados por CaixaBank. Marzo 2014.
Premio a Empresa Joven en los premios Sociedad de la Información 2016 en Aragón. Concedidos por la Asociación de Ingenieros de Telecomunicaciones de Aragón y la Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la Universidad de Zaragoza con el patrocinio del departamento de Innovación, Investigación y Universidad del Gobierno de Aragón. Febrero 2016.